Colleen Thompson, Cert Ed, MIFPA, RA®, EOT®, CA
Founder, Essence of Thyme College of Holistic Studies
Colleen Thompson, Cert Ed, MIFPA, RA®, EOT®, CA
Registered Aromatherapist (RA®) | Essential Oil Therapist (EOT®) | Professional Aromatherapist (AIA) | Master Formulator | Certified Reflexologist | Diploma in Adult Education
Colleen Thompson, Cert Ed, MIFPA, RA®, EOT®, CA has worked in the field of aromatherapy since 1995. She registered her business, Essence of Thyme Ltd., in 1996 and has been a Registered Aromatherapist since 1997. In 1996, she opened her first aromatherapy store and over the course of 12 years owned three aromatherapy stores and a holistic spa.
Colleen worked in the financial industry and adult education for 27 years before discovering aromatherapy.
Colleen’s postsecondary education is in Adult Education and Business and Marketing (and of course aromatherapy!).
In 2012 she combined her two areas of expertise and passion—aromatherapy and adult education—by launching an aromatherapy certification program.
Colleen has served on the Boards of the BCAOA, the BCAPA, the AIA, and the CAOA in various capacities. In April 2022, she retired as the President of the CAOA after many years and sits on the Board as Past President. She serves on the Board of the AIA as a Director at Large and serves on the AIA Education Committee as the Chair.
- In Recognition of Outstanding Commitment and Leadership and Contributions at WCCMT and Leadership in Hosting the Spa Education Expo in 2009
- September 2019: Outstanding Volunteer Award for Extraordinary Service and Dedication as AIA Education Committee Chair for the Alliance of International Aromatherapists
- September 2019: Outstanding Volunteer Award for Above and Beyond Contribution of Processing CPD Certificates for the Alliance of International Aromatherapists
- September 2021: Recipient of the AIA Founder’s Award