Core Instructors

Colleen Thompson, Cert Ed, MIFPA, RA®, EOT®, CA
Colleen has been a passionate and highly respected aromatherapy educator for over 25 years.

Kelly Ablard, PhD, RA®, EOT®, MIFPA
As a Conservation Aromatherapist™, Kelly has been an aromatherapy educator and conservation biologist for over 12 years.
Supporting Instructors

Dr. Florian Birkmayer &
Cathy Skipper
Psychiatry and Alchemy Experts
Lesson on addiction and essential oils for the Professional Level Certification Program

Amy Williams DeLong
Animal Aromatherapy Expert
Elective course on animal aromatherapy for the Certified Master Aromatherapist Program

Natalia Dichkovska
Skincare Expert, Aromatherapist, Researcher, and Educator
Lessons on formulation, emulsions, active ingredients, and preservation in the home laboratory for the Certified Master Aromatherapist Program

Marika Fleri
Aromatherapy for Cancer and Palliative Care Expert
Lessons on complementary therapy interventions in a clinical environment for the Certified Master Aromatherapist Program

Ann Harman
Hydrosol Expert
Lessons on hydrosols for the Professional Level and Certified Master Aromatherapist Programs

Madeleine Kerkhof
CO2 Extract and
Palliative Care Expert
Lessons on CO2 extracts for the Professional Level and Certified Master Aromatherapist Programs

Benoit Roger, PhD
Organic Chemistry and
Distillation Expert
Instructor for the Advanced Aromatherapy Science Program: Ecology and Pharmacology of Essential Oils from the Plant to the Clinic

Marco Valussi
Distillation and Essential OilĀ Science Expert
Instructor for the Advanced Aromatherapy Science Program: Ecology and Pharmacology of Essential Oils from the Plant to the Clinic

Kat Maier RH, (AHG)
Herbalist and Author
Founder and director of Sacred Plant Traditions, aĀ center for herbal studies in Charlottesville, Virginia