Exploring Hydrosols (Part 2)

Jul 31, 2024

Hydrosols are a much gentler version of essential oils and can be safely used on babies, children, and animals.

Recently, when my pup had an eye infection, I soaked a cotton pad with Elemi hydrosol (gifted to me by Jirbie Go) and gently pressed it onto her closed eye several times a day (a new cotton pad each time). Within two days the infection was completely gone.

Elemi (Canarium luzonicum) Hydrosol

Elemi (Canarium luzonicum) hydrosol is distilled from the tree resin. As a member of the Burseraceae botanical family, it is closely related to frankincense (Boswellia carteri) and myrrh (Commiphora myrrha) and thus shares some of the same benefits.

Elemi hydrosol is excellent for any skin type. As a toner, it not only soothes and hydrates the skin, but its healing and rejuvenating properties make it beneficial for damaged or aging skin.

Elemi hydrosol can be used as a mist, in a diffuser, or in a bath to help alleviate stress or anxiety. Elemi can help balance emotions and mental clarity. If you have an exam or presentation in your future to reduce stress and enhance mental clarity you may consider spraying a cotton pad and tucking it into an item of clothing close to the face (e.g., a bra strap or shirt pocket).

For respiratory health, a facial steam with elemi hydrosol can provide relief from congestion and soothe the nasal passages. To make a facial steam, simply add 1 ml of hydrosol to 1 cup of hot water, then lean over the bowl and cover your head with a towel to trap the steam. Breathe in the steam for a few minutes to experience the benefits.

The antiseptic properties of elemi hydrosol make it a wonderful agent for wound care. It can be applied to cuts, scrapes, and insect bites using a mist or compress.

Elemi hydrosol has no known precautions.

Rose (Rosa damascena) Hydrosol

Rose (Rosa damascena) hydrosol is distilled from fresh rose petals. The aroma is very similar to the scent of a freshly picked rose.  

Rose hydrosol, distilled from fresh rose petals, is a soothing elixir. It helps retain moisture in the skin and is suitable for normal to dry mature, sensitive, and devitalized skin. Its soothing properties provide comfort, making it perfect for refreshing the skin and reducing redness or irritation, especially from sun exposure (spray). It can be applied to minor burns and wounds to accelerate healing (compress).  

Rose hydrosol is cooling and mildly astringent making it useful in masks, steams, and compresses.

Add it to the bath for relaxation and rejuvenation or a Sitz bath for postpartum healing.

Emotionally, rose hydrosol promotes balance, aids in emotional processing, and opens the heart. Furthermore, the delicate, beautiful scent of rose hydrosol can provide a calming and uplifting effect, making it a delightful addition to skincare and aromatherapy routines.

It is important to differentiate rose water from rose hydrosol. Rose water is typically made by steeping (infusing) fresh rose petals in water, and is commonly used for culinary purposes, in commercial skincare formulations, and as a fragrance.

Rose hydrosol is produced by the distillation of fresh rose petals. It contains all the water-soluble components of the rose petals. This makes it a versatile product, suitable for use in aromatherapy to promote emotional balance, in natural skincare to soothe and hydrate the skin, and for its beneficial properties. It can be used as a mist, in a diffuser, or added to a bath for relaxation and rejuvenation.

Rose hydrosol has no known precautions 

Other Important Hydrosols

German chamomile (Matricaria recutita) – a versatile hydrosol that offers a range of benefits. It's not just beneficial to calm irritated skin conditions such as rosacea, eczema, weeping eczema, and psoriasis, but also soothes inflammatory and itchy skin conditions. The basic rule for treating weeping eczema is “wet on wet”. German chamomile is ideal for this condition. Soak a cotton pad with the hydrosol and apply it to the area of concern as a dressing three to four times per day for 30 minutes each. The compresses should be loose, and moist and allow for evaporation. German chamomile is also known for its anti-spasmodic and analgesic benefits. This could be useful as a compress on a baby’s tummy for colic.

Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) hydrosol is distilled from the fresh leaves of the tree. It is a gentler version of tea tree essential oil and shares many of the same benefits such as its antifungal, anti-viral, antibacterial, and antimicrobial activities.  It has a sharp, medicinal smell and taste, which some may find strong or pungent. Furthermore, it is a great toner for oily or acne-prone skin, a mouthwash for infection or thrush, and a great deodorant spray, and foot spray. Tea Tree hydrosol is excellent for fungal conditions such as athlete's foot. It can be used on baby’s bottoms for diaper rash either spritzed on or added to the bath water.

Uses of tea tree hydrosol:

  • used on pets e.g., for hot spots and ear infections
  • base for a bathroom cleanser
  • gargle for sore throat or mouthwash
  • blend with eucalyptus hydrosol for chest infections
  • inhale for sinus congestion or allergies
  • cleanse cuts, scrapes, and wounds
  • soak fungal nail infections in the hydrosol

Tea tree hydrosol has no known precautions.

General Suggestions for Using Hydrosols

Hydrosols are natural products and do not contain preservatives. To ensure your hydrosols remain fresh and potent, keep them in a cool dark environment. Additionally, keep your hydrosol in the smallest possible bottle. This means that if you purchased 120ml of a hydrosol and have used half of it, pour the remaining half into a clean, sterilized 60ml bottle. By taking these proactive steps, you can maintain the quality of your hydrosol for longer. Generally, you can expect your hydrosol to have a shelf life of about one year.

Consider keeping your hydrosol(s) in the refrigerator.

Make sure you purchase from a reputable source. Some companies will add essential oil to water and pass it off as a hydrosol. If you are not sure where you can buy a true hydrosol, please contact us and let us know where you live – there are many excellent suppliers that we can recommend to you.

We hope this blog series has inspired you to use hydrosols.

If you would like to know more about hydrosols, we recommend Harvest to Hydrosol 1st and 2nd Edition, written by Ann Harman. Or you could enroll in one of the Essence of Thyme College of Holistic Studies aromatherapy certification programs.

We are so fortunate at Essence of Thyme College of Holistic Studies to have Ann Harman teach the hydrosol component of our Professional Certification Program in Aromatherapy and Essential Oil Science and the advanced hydrosol component in our Gold Standard Diploma Program in Aromatherapy, Essential Oil Science and Research.

www.essenceofthyme.com      [email protected]

Article by: Colleen Thompson, Cert Ed, MIFPA, RA®, EOT®, CA

For over 25 years, Colleen Thompson has been a passionate and highly respected aromatherapy educator. She has owned 3 aromatherapy stores and a holistic spa, and she founded Essence of Thyme in 1995, where she mentors budding aromatherapists from all over the world, helping them create their own thriving aromatherapy businesses.

About Essence of Thyme College of Holistic Studies

Essence of Thyme College of Holistic Studies offers 300- and 630-hour professional aromatherapy certification programs that help you grow a successful, fulfilling career by specializing and creating your market niche. Professional Level Certification prepares graduates to become aromatherapy consultants, launch product lines or retail businesses, or provide services as an adjunct to existing holistic health specializations. Master Level Certification and electives are ideal for certified aromatherapists seeking higher education or a path to clinical aromatherapy practice.

All Essence of Thyme programs focus on aromatherapy product development and advanced formulation, evidence-based research, spa and business management, international industry regulatory guidelines, and sustainability and conservation of essential oil and carrier oil-bearing plants.

Our comprehensive, evidence-based programs meet or exceed the criteria set forth by 5 international professional aromatherapy associations. Learn more about our aromatherapy certification programs.


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