The Essence of Thyme Blog

Learn about essential oil recipes, aromatherapy careers, plant sustainability, aromatherapy classes, aromatic chemistry, and more.

PTSD and Aromatherapy: Creating a Sanctuary or Safe Place for PTSD

Jun 15, 2024


Aroma is strongly linked to memories. A person may catch a whiff of perfume and be immediately transported back to memories of their grandmother, who used to wear the fragrance. The memory can be a positive or negative one based on their relationship with their grandmother. This is called an odour-linked memory. In other words, there is a link between aroma and experiences, especially emotional...

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PTSD and Aromatherapy: Understanding PTSD and Physical Symptoms

Jun 06, 2024


In June, we observe PTSD Awareness Month to shed light on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a complex condition that can develop after experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event. COVID-19 was a trigger for PTSD in many people. PTSD can even occur indirectly through an association with a friend or family member who has experienced a traumatic event.

The onset of PTSD can vary, with some...

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Aromatherapy for Moods in May

May 16, 2024

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Aromatherapy can be effective for many conditions related to physical and emotional issues such as stress, depression and anxiety. Evidence-based research and anecdotal evidence have firmly established the benefits of aromatherapy and specific essential oils on mood. 

A sub-classification of Aromatherapy is Aromachology. Aromachology relates to how odours inf...

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The Beginner's Guide to Aromatherapy: What is Aromatherapy (Really!)

Apr 08, 2024

Oftentimes when I am at a social event, I am asked what I do. I am sometimes hesitant to say I am an aromatherapist because reactions can vary – amusement, blank looks, and occasionally interest. But I am an aromatherapist and proud to be one, so I hold my head up high and proclaim I AM AN AROMATHERAPIST!

This often leads to the question, “What is aromatherapy anyway”? What I want to do at that p...

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The Future of Aromatherapy

Feb 26, 2024

Is aromatherapy a passing fad, or will it become integrated with mainstream medicine? Seasoned aromatherapists, prospective aromatherapists, and aromatherapy enthusiasts around the globe are asking this very question.

Aromatherapy can be described as the art and science of utilizing naturally extracted aromatic essences from plants to balance, harmonize and promote the health of the body, mind an...

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Simplifying Essential Oil Terminology

Jan 29, 2024

Aromatherapy can be overwhelming! Educated aromatherapists use terms such as Latin binomials, chemotypes, and isomers. They discuss safety considerations; in fact, they often debate safety considerations! How can someone new to aromatherapy determine right from wrong? The easy answer would be to take an aromatherapy program, but not everyone interested in aromatherapy has the desire to be a certif...

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Home for the holidays with aromatherapy: Make your own aromatic gifts

Dec 14, 2023

Learn about Colleen’s favourite holiday aromatherapy traditions—and get some of her most treasured recipes. They make wonderful handmade gifts!

Each year, my five grandchildren and I gather to make aromatherapy gifts for their parents and other grandparents and family members. This tradition started many years ago, and as the children have grown, we added more complex blends to our repertoire. Th...

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Not all drops are created equal!

Jul 18, 2023

Are you an aromatherapist or an aromatherapy enthusiast who creates blends by the drop method? That was how we were taught, right? The problem is that not all essential oil drops are the same size and if we are not aware of this, it can skew the formula.

How big is a drop of essential oil?

The size of a drop is based upon the viscosity of the liquid. For example, a drop of water will be smaller ...

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Aromatherapy Travel Kit

Jun 09, 2023

Those of us in the Northern Hemisphere are heading into summer. Summer usually involves more travel, whether this is day trips to the beach or more lengthy vacations, it is always a good idea to pack a first aid kit. If I am limited to what I can carry with me, I will always make sure to bring lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) and tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia). Both these essential oils are ve...

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Chemical Free: The Irony

May 20, 2023

You have probably been inundated with advertisements from companies declaring their products to be chemical free. You may have even purchased products based upon these claims.

What if I were to tell you that nothing is chemical free? Our bodies are composed of approximately 60% oxygen (O), which is a chemical element. Other chemical elements that comprise the human body are carbon (CO2), nitrogen...

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